List of all airlines in Europe
Including IATA codes 2023
Are you looking for an up-to-date overview of all airlines flying from Europe? Then you have come to the right place. Find all the major EU airlines and a complete list of IATA codes.
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What are IATA codes?
IATA airline codes are two-letter codes assigned to airlines by the International Air Transport Association (IATA). These codes are used to identify airlines on tickets, itineraries and other aviation documents.
IATA airline codes are unique and are assigned based on a number of factors, including the name of the airline, the location of its headquarters and the language spoken in the airline’s home country.
The approach has been to use the same IATA codes for airlines with local offices. For example, easyJet Netherlands and easyJet UK have the same code. Therefore, in the list below, each airline is only mentioned once.
European airlines
Have you flown with any of these European airlines? And was your flight cancelled or delayed? Then file a claim and you could be entitled to up to €600!

Written by Jerrymie
Jerrymie Marcus got in touch with EUclaim due to a 4-hour delay. Through EUclaim, the marketing specialist received €600 in compensation.
More about Jerrymie