Airport delay


About all things concerning aviation

Every week we illustrate various subjects regarding our service, passenger rights and commercial aviation. We also provide you with tips & tricks regarding air travel.

  • road with mountains and fog

    Flight delayed by bad weather and your entitlements

    Whether its heavy showers, strong winds or fog affecting your travel, chances are your flight is affected too. In Britain, the weather is likely to put a strain on your plans, so you better get prepared. What are your rights when your flight is delayed by the weather? We explain.

  • crowd at london heathrow airport

    London Heathrow’s capacity and flight problems

    A third runway has been approved for London Heathrow Airport, but this runway will not be operational until 2026. In the meantime, passengers still have to make do with the crowded and tight planned flight schedule that is currently normal at Heathrow Airport.

  • suitcase in gate at airport

    Prices of checked luggage with UK airlines

    With the most competitive booking fares as more airlines are accommodating your favourite destinations, something has to give. More airlines are cutting costs by increasing the prices on inflight service, selecting a preferred seat and bringing luggage. Limiting carry-on luggage and bringing up rates on checked luggage you can be fooled easily by a seemingly low ticket-price and left astonished as you find out how much your journey really costs. We listed the top British airlines and their luggage charges.
  • skier on snowtop mountain

    Flying to the Olympics 2018 in Pyeongchang

    February 9 the Olympic winter games start in the South-Korean city of Pyeongchang. A true Asian Winter wonderland if you ask us. Britain is taking part in the Olympic Games with a large delegacy in Curling, skeleton and figure- and speed skating. If you are planning on going over for the Olympic taste of South Korea, we advise you on the best suitable flight routes.

  • suitcase with flags on it on baggage belt

    How much carry-on can you bring onboard?

    Flying has become cheaper over the years. With offers of low-fare journeys with budget carriers across Europe and even more recently across the Atlantic, airlines have come up with ways to increase their earnings minimizing their free services onboard your flight. You now have to pay a fair bit for a meal and a drink for example. If you want to bring carry-on luggage to prevent the high price of checked luggage, you are bound by very specific rules and limitations as airlines want to earn on you having to check your luggage. To help you out a bit, we compared the carry-on allowance on frequently used airlines for us British passengers.

  • christmas tree in airport hallway

    Christmas at the airport, a glance at last year’s top airport decorations

    It is the most wonderful time of the year. Well, it is in exactly one month from today. We spend the weeks before Christmas decorating our houses, buy presents prepare for the Christmas menu. But many of us will spend the holidays with their families making it sometimes necessary to travel the world. Every year, the airports across the globe deck out during the holiday season. Some bring out simple lights, where others create magical forests. We have lined up some of the most magical airport decorations to get in the Christmas spirit.

  • sandwich on plate

    A two-hour delay? These are your rights!

    We have often mentioned your right to compensation when your arrival delay is three hours or more. But did you know that you also have rights when your arrival delay starts at two hours? We explain.

  • de-icing of a plane on the runway

    What is de-icing?

    Autumn is in full effect and before we know it, the winter season is upon us. The temperature is decreasing rapidly and we have to prepare ourselves for icy and slippery roads. It is a known fact that traffic is affected largely by weather conditions. You may think that airplanes are used to dealing with cold temperatures, but even airplanes and especially airports need to deal with the hazards of ice, snow, storm and hail.

  • Best value travel destinations of 2018 revealed

    Where to go in 2018 and get good value for your money? Lonely planet revealed its top ten best value travel destinations yesterday. Surprising destinations are included in the list such as Bolivia and Jacksonville, but also the entire UK is featured at rank seven of the list.
  • wizz air plane taking off

    Airlines forced to take drastic measures as Brexit looms

    As negotiations have started between the UK and European Union on the upcoming Brexit, the consequences for European commercial air travel begins to sink in. Airlines across Europe that currently conduct flights from UK Airports have to take measures in order to be able to keep operating flights from and the the UK.

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