Airport delay


About all things concerning aviation

Every week we illustrate various subjects regarding our service, passenger rights and commercial aviation. We also provide you with tips & tricks regarding air travel.

  • Schiphol Airport

    The top 5 air traffic strikes that affected us most in 2016

    It is the same story every year: air traffic strikes. Whether it’s the Air Traffic Control, the pilots or the security staff; in the end it’s the passengers who are most inconvenienced. These are the five strikes of 2016 that affected most of us.

  • Christmas at Heathrow

    Flying home for Christmas

    It is the most wonderful time of the year. Books have been written about it, films have been made about it and songs have been sung about it. Travelling home to your family for the holidays is usually something to look forward to. 

  • London at Christmass

    Christmas shopping in London

    The holiday season is fast approaching and we are looking forward to the warm spirit that Christmas brings in our homes. Nothing says Christmas like the decorations, shopping and enjoying time with family. Let’s focus on the shopping part for a moment, because nothing says Christmas shopping quite like London! We will give you some nice tips for your trip to our nation’s capital. 

  • UK airports: smallest to largest

    The UK has over 40 commercial airports located in different places across the country. London alone has 5 airports. With so many airports and different locations we show you a list of the smallest and largest commercial airports in the UK, their passenger numbers and an indication of their growth. 

  • Palma de Mallorca is the summer destination with the most flight delays

    Long queues form and excited crowds emerge at UK airports during summer —the busiest time of the year. Millions of British travellers spend their holidays abroad to indulge themselves in relaxation and sun by the sea. These busy times are often challenging for airports and airlines that transport the passengers to their sunny destinations and back.
  • One flight, 17 flight codes!

    Many airlines sell tickets for flights they don’t operate themselves. This is commonly known as ‘code- sharing’. Code-sharing means that not all passengers on the plane booked their ticket with the same airline. By selling tickets in their own name, airlines can offer their passengers many more destinations and make them feel like they are always able to take them anywhere they want to go.

  • Advocate General advises European Court: Bird strike is not an extraordinary circumstance

    A preliminary question was raised with the European Court to clarify the phenomenon known as ‘Bird strike’. Is a bird strike an extraordinary circumstance or not? Are passengers entitled to compensation when a bird strike causes the delay or cancellation of a flight? 

  • Skytrax announces the winner: Emirates is worlds’ best airline

    Last Tuesday Emirates was announced best airline of 2016 by Skytrax. The top 3 also includes Qatar Airways and Singapore Airlines. Asian Airlines are dominating the top 100. Skytrax is an international organization that audits airlines, airports and alliances every year.

  • What is an extraordinary circumstance?

    “Unfortunately you are not entitled to compensation madam, the flight was delayed due to bad weather which we consider to be an extraordinary circumstance..” Airlines refer to the term ‘extraordinary circumstance’ quite often. This excuse means that the airline does not have to pay compensation to the passengers for the delay. What exactly is an extraordinary circumstance and when does it apply? We explain below.
  • lonely planet logo

    Lonely Planet’s Best in Europe

    What destinations do you need to visit this year? Lonely planet, world’s most successful travel publisher, created a selection of the best places to travel to in 2016. We took a look at their list Best in Europe, it is filled with destinations offering beautiful landscapes, tasty cuisines and more. But how do you get there?

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