Empty runway at airport due to delayed flight

Air Baltic flight delayed

Check your compensation rights. You can claim up to €600 per passenger. Check your flight now and we give you free advice within three minutes.
Check your compensation

Did your Air Baltic flight have a delay of more than three hours?

Does your Air Baltic flight fall under Regulation 261/2004 and did you arrive at your final destination with more than three hours delay? If so, you may be entitled to compensation for loss of time.

Brexit: did it change regulations for UK passengers with Air Baltic

Regulation 261/2004 was amended after Brexit to the The Air Passenger Rights and Air Travel Organisers’ Licensing (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 has been set in place to uphold your rights as airline passenger when you flight is delayed or cancelled. This legislation protects your rights as an airline passenger and determines when you are entitled to make a claim.

When are you entitled to compensation for flight delays if you flew with Air Baltic

To be entitled to compensation, your delayed flight must meet the following flight delay rules:

  • Flight departed from an EU country
  • Or the flight departed from outside the EU to a country within the EU with a European airline
  • And the flight arrived at the end destination with a delay of three hours or more

What if your Air Baltic flight was delayed due to extraordinary circumstances?

If the flight delay was due to an extraordinary circumstance, you are not entitled to compensation. When ‘extraordinary circumstances’ apply, the airline can prove that it was not responsible for the delay. Examples of such circumstances include adverse weather conditions and acts of terrorism.

Your right to compensation for your delayed Air Baltic flight

The amount of compensation is based on the distance of the Air Baltic flight. Regulation 261/2004 set out the following amounts:

Infographic Flight delay compensation
  • €250 compensation for a delayed flight up to 1500 km
  • €400 compensation for a delayed flight between 1500 and 3500 km
  • €600 compensation for a delayed flight exceeding 3500 km

When the distance of your flight is 3500 km or more and you arrive with a delay between three or four hours, you are entitled to 50% of the compensation amount.

The route with which you flew and the airline that performed the airline are key in determining if your will fall with the scope of the EC 261 regulation (and be entitled to Euro’s).

Calculate the distance of your flight

How to claim your right to Air Baltic flight delay compensation

We offer you free advice on whether you are entitled to compensation for your delayed flight to or from Air Baltic . Fill in your flight number and the date of the delayed flight in the free flight compensation calculator and you will immediately receive our advice.

What are your rights when your Air Baltic flight has been delayed for more than two hours?

Air Baltic has a duty of care to passengers in the event of a delay of two hours or more. That means the airline must offer you food and drink and, if necessary, a hotel and transportation to and from accommodation. If the airline does not offer you any of these services, you may arrange them yourself. Afterwards, you are entitled to a refund of these extra costs, so keep the receipts!

EUclaim was founded in 2007 and helps airpassengers receive compensation from the airline. With our access to the Lennoc Flight Intelligence database, we are able to review over 3 million flights a day a and test them against the rules compliant with Regulation 261/2004 or The Air Passenger Rights and Air Travel Organisers’ Licensing (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019. Our data combined with our team of legal experts guarantees our 97 percent success rate in court. EUclaim helps you get compensation for your flight delay or flight cancellation.

Did you fly with Air Baltic and was your flight delayed?

Were you on a delayed flight from Air Baltic . Check below whether you are eligible for compensation.

Claim with EUclaim is possible from a selection of countries and airlines

Legal proceedings are often necessary to obtain your compensation. EUclaim cannot process your claim in every country. If you check your flight, our database will automatically indicate if you can file a claim.

If you are flying to or from one of the following countries, you can file a claim

  • The Netherlands
  • Germany
  • Belgium
  • France
  • Spain
  • The United Kingdom

Is claiming for your flight delay not possible with EUclaim? We advise you to file a claim directly with the airline.

Claim your compensation with EUclaim

If you are entitled to compensation due to the Air Baltic flight delay, it is important to claim compensation for the loss of time. If we can support claims from your country or your airline, we recommend claiming with EUclaim! Our claim service is on a no cure, no pay basis.

  • 97% success rate
  • Submit your claim in 3 minutes
  • Free legal procedure
  • No cure no pay
  • 16 years of experience in handling claims
  • Our success fee is always the same: 29% fee and €33 administration costs per claim

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