Airport delay


Stay updated on your passenger rights

Our superior service allows us to excel in the assistance of air passengers as we are very attentive to the latest developments in commercial European air travel on both legal, leisure and professional grounds. We are happy to keep you posted on these latest developments.

  • Lovely coverage in The Telegraph and

    Lovely coverage in The Telegraph and today based on our story entitled French Air Traffic Controllers are striking again which means one thing – good weather ahead!

  • EUclaim in Sunday Times Ireland

    The Sunday Times, Ireland took a look at the benefits for consumers from EU protection. Adeline Noorderhaven, Manager EUclaim, spoke to journalist Mike Channing about flight delay compensation. Read the full story here.

  • EUclaim in Travel Weekly

    Travel Weekly covered our news story which revealed that Britain’s main flight carriers, in spite of improving their flight delay record in 2014, still face potential pay outs of £214m for compensation cases.

  • What constitutes flight arrival time?

    EUclaim’s views on ‘What constitutes flight arrival time?’ and the potential outcome of the Judgment by the European Courts of Justice (ECJ) was covered in Travel Weekly.

  • EUclaim in the Financial Times

    EUclaim in the Financial Times

    EUclaim was contacted for flight data and then an ‘expert’ quote in a piece written by the FT regarding the safety of flying over war zones following the shooting down of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 over Ukraine.

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